Families, Families, Families

So, last year we assisted 100 families. That is all that we could help, because that was all of the families that applied. So we set a precedent to help all of the families that apply. Ahhhh! This year we took applications through the entire month of October, and we had over 240 applicants. More than double the number from last year. So we are on a mission to meet the same goal of matching all of the families. Can we do it? With God on our side, I believe we can! He is in control. So, pray that the Lord bless us as we strive to meet our mission this year.


What a Wild Week!

Wow! This has been a wild week. We have been matching needy families to all of the generous people that are sponsoring someone! I am really excited to get the information out to each family. The stores are all filled with Christmas decorations and it just seems as though the Christmas spirit is present everywhere. What happy times! How lucky we are! God loves us, everyone, and we are so fortunate to be able to help someone in need and hopefully in the process, let them know God and his great works through our actions! We are just so lucky! There is really so much work to be done, but I just had to share the joy that has come over me this week. It truly lets me know of God's presence throughout the entire mission, and I feel a sense of calm.

So with that said, enjoy your week.
